Hack Me Please : 1
Description ⤵️ 💡 Hack Me Please: 1 ➡️ Difficulty: Easy Description: An easy box totally made for OSCP. No bruteforce is required. Aim: To get root shell Let’s find the IP Address fir...
Description ⤵️ 💡 Hack Me Please: 1 ➡️ Difficulty: Easy Description: An easy box totally made for OSCP. No bruteforce is required. Aim: To get root shell Let’s find the IP Address fir...
Description ⤵️ 💡 GoldenEye ⤵️ I recently got done creating an OSCP type vulnerable machine that is themed after the great James Bond film (and even better n64 game) GoldenEye. The goal is to...
Description ⤵️ 💡 EVM_1 This is super friendly box intended for Beginner is This works better with VirtualBox rather than VMware Let’s find the IP Address first » IP : Port S...
Description ⤵️ 💡 DevGuru is a fictional web development company hiring you for a pentest assessment. You have been tasked with finding vulnerabilities on their corporate website and obtaining r...
Description ⤵️ 💡 DJINN Level: Beginner-Intermediate flags: user.txt and root.txt Description: The machine is VirtualBox as well as VMWare compatible. The DHCP will assign an IP automatical...
Description ⤵️ 💡 DIFFICULTY → DerpNStink Level : Beginner ABOUT → Mr. Derp and Uncle Stinky are two system administrators who are starting their own company, DerpNStink. Instead of hir...
Description ⤵️ 💡 Difficulty: Beginner/Intermediate → Bob Bob is my first CTF VM that I have ever made so be easy on me if it is not perfect. The Milburg Highschool Server has just bee...